Meat, fish and savoury ingredients

The campaign showed success, in spite of the setbacks linked to the declining plant-based market and the cost-of-living crisis. Image Source: Getty Images/ArtMarie

Veganuary 2024: Success or failure?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Veganuary has historically led to a significant uptick in consumption of vegan food products. However, with the plant-based sector in decline, and a cost-of-living crisis sweeping much of the world, can the early-year vegan fervour continue apace?

When passing its ban on cultivated meat, Italy did not go through the TRIS procedure. Image Source: Getty Images/sergeyryzhov

The future of Italy’s cultivated meat ban

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Last year, Italy attempted to ban cultivated meat production and the marketing of cultivated meat products. However, the law has come into difficulty for its failure to go through the right procedures at EU level.

Image Source: Getty Images/D-Keine

NPD Trend Tracker: From mandarin orange juice to AI-generated recipes

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

In this week's NPD Trend Tracker, we see how high orange juice prices have led to the development of mandarin orange juice, and the rise of generative AI has led to the creation of an AI cookbook. Furthermore, we see a rebranding from Mallow &...

Halal certification is important to assure consumers a product really is halal. Image Source: Getty Images/LisaInGlasses

What is required for halal certification?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

With a growing Muslim middle class in countries such as the UK, and even many non-Muslims increasingly buying halal products, halal certification is more important than ever for businesses selling them.

The BTOM will affect GB/EU trade. Image Source: Getty Images/emarto

How will the BTOM impact food imports into Great Britain?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

The Border Target Operating Model (BTOM), the first stage of which came into force on 31 January, will have a significant impact on how the EU trades with Great Britain. Over three stages throughout 2024, new checks and declarations will be required for...

Research suggests eating beans could aid cancer prevention GettyImages/grandriver

Could eating beans aid cancer prevention?

By Donna Eastlake

Research suggests consuming nutrient and fibre-rich foods, such as beans, which support the health of good bacteria in the gut, could help in the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer

The terms 'vegan,' 'vegetarian' and 'plant-based' are not legally defined. Image Source: Getty Images/Vincent Ryan

'Vegan' labels don't always mean free from animal products

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Despite common public understanding that the word ‘vegan’ means free from animal products, there is no legally binding definition for the term in the UK and EU. This means that products labelled ‘vegan’ can contain trace amounts of eggs or dairy. Furthermore,...

The study found that most consumers perceived the supermarket as associated with norms related to meat consumption. Image Source: Giselleflissak/Getty Images

How do 'norms perceptions' relate to meat consumption habits?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Norm perceptions – what one perceives as ‘normal’ – differs between both individuals and groups of consumers, including when it comes to meat consumption. One’s meat consumption habits can affect these perceptions. A new study explores how different groups...

Many consumers now value broth for its health benefits. Image Source: RUSS ROHDE/Getty Images

Protein, collagen, non-UPF: Bone broth as a functional food

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Broth has been used for centuries as a component of traditional meals such as soups and stews. But many consumers are now attracted to it for a different reason – it has a range of health benefits, and is non-UPF (ultra-processed food). Startup Freja...

The specifics of what a protein transition would mean are not agreed on, the study found. Image Source/Getty Images

What is the ‘protein transition’? Untangling the narratives

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Talk about a ‘protein transition’ is rife in the world of food. But what exactly is a protein transition? A study by Nature Food identifies three narratives through which a protein transition is interpreted, and three potential drivers of change.

The study looked at a variety of research on consumer acceptance of upcycled food. Image Source: Goran13/Getty Images

Do consumers want to eat upcycled food?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Upcycling food is a good way of putting food to use that may otherwise have gone to waste. However, not all consumers will eat food that has been upcycled. A new study takes a broad look at 37 research articles on consumer acceptance, or lack thereof,...

Image Source: We Are/Getty Images

NPD Trend Tracker: 'Veganuary' special

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

January is a time where many people abstain from indulgent things, from alcohol to chocolate. Meat and dairy, increasingly linked to climate change and animal suffering, are other products those taking part in 'Veganuary' also abstain from at...